West Pokot County Launches Peace and Security Initiatives to Foster Development

The County Government of West Pokot has introduced a series of initiatives aimed at strengthening peace and security across the region. Recognizing that a stable and peaceful environment is essential for development, the county government, in partnership with various stakeholders, is implementing programs to address the root causes of conflict and promote harmonious coexistence among communities.
A central focus of these initiatives is grassroots peace meetings, which bring together local leaders, elders, and youth representatives. These gatherings aim to mediate conflicts, encourage dialogue, and raise awareness about the vital role of peace in driving development. Additionally, the county government is collaborating closely with security agencies to enhance surveillance and improve response times in conflict-prone areas.
The County Director of Peace, Rev. Jackson Alukusia, led a significant peace meeting in Chesegon, Cheptulel Location, and Kapen Location in Marakwet. During the meeting, the delegation called on residents to embrace reconciliation and foster an environment of unity and cooperation.This initiative marks an important step toward strengthening the relationship between the communities of West Pokot and Marakwet, paving the way for a future where conflict is replaced by collaboration and mutual respect. Such efforts promise to bring long-term peace and stability, enabling communities to focus on development and prosperity.Rev. Alukusia reaffirmed that the county government, under the leadership of Governor Simon Kachapin, is fully committed to working with all stakeholders—including local communities, non-governmental organizations, and national security agencies—to ensure peace is maintained and the region continues to grow and prosper.