West Pokot County Cabinet Reviews Annual Performance and Approves 2025/2026 Development Plan

Governor Simon Kachapin led a meeting with the County Cabinet, Chief Officers, Directors, and Heads of Departments to conduct a comprehensive review of the 2023/2024 annual performance. The meeting, which focused on assessing progress and challenges faced during the past fiscal year, was also an opportunity to strategize for the future.
During the session, the Cabinet reviewed and unanimously approved the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for 2025/2026. This plan, which outlines the key projects and initiatives for the upcoming fiscal year, aligns with the county’s long-term development goals as set out in West Pokot County's Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and Vision 2030.
Governor Kachapin highlighted the significance of this approval, noting that the ADP is a critical roadmap that will guide the county's development agenda over the next year. He stressed the importance of ensuring that all initiated projects are not only maintained but also fast-tracked to completion.
“Timely execution of our development projects is paramount,” Governor Kachapin stated. “Our residents depend on us to deliver essential services, and we must ensure that projects such as road construction, market development, the building of Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers, and the expansion of health facilities are completed without delay as they are vital to improving the quality of life for all our citizens.”
The Governor also addressed the importance of collaboration and accountability within the county government, urging all departments to work in close coordination to meet set deadlines and deliver high-quality outcomes. He emphasized that the success of the county's development initiatives relies on the commitment of each department to adhere to best practices, transparency, and effective resource management.
Additionally, the Governor reaffirmed his administration’s focus on enhancing service delivery across all sectors. He pointed out that alongside infrastructure projects, there is a growing need to improve healthcare, education, and economic opportunities for the people of West Pokot.
“We are laying a strong foundation for the future,” he said. “By working together and staying focused on our goals, we can achieve significant progress and ensure that no one is left behind.”
The meeting ended with a renewed sense of purpose among the county officials, who pledged to uphold the values of integrity, efficiency, and service in the implementation of the 2025/2026 Annual Development Plan.