Ministry of Health Team Leads Tree-Planting Initiative in Kabichbich to Combat Climate Change

A team from the Ministry of Health participated in a significant tree-planting exercise in Kabichbich, marking an important step in Kenya's ongoing efforts to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability. The initiative was led by Leonard Kamsait, Chief Officer for Water, Environment, and Natural Resources, who guided the team in planting hundreds of trees across the region.During the event, Kamsait emphasized the critical role of tree planting in addressing environmental challenges such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, preventing soil erosion, maintaining water cycles, and preserving biodiversity by providing habitats for various species.
Beyond its environmental impact, this tree-planting initiative is also part of a broader strategy to enhance public health by creating healthier, greener environments.
The Kabichbich exercise is expected to inspire similar efforts nationwide, encouraging communities to actively engage in tree planting and environmental conservation. The government remains committed to these initiatives as part of its broader agenda for sustainable development and ecological preservation.