H.E Scovia Kachapin hosts Red Cross-West Pokot and UNFPA
West Pokot county First Lady, H.E Scovia Chebet Kachapin today hosted a breakfast meeting for Red Cross Society-West Pokot County and UNFPA at the Governor's Residence in Kapenguria
The meeting reinforced the important role the office of the First Lady plays is advocating for gender sensitivity issues, children affairs and matters empowerment.

United Nation Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) through its implementing partner which is Red Cross Society-West Pokot County has distributed over 1000 solar lanterns to vulnerable schools and over 300 women groups involved in the Ushanga Initiative. The lanterns have played a key role in the fight against illiteracy through its support in education and improve livelihoods and support end of FGM in the county.
H.E Scovia Chebet encouraged the team to work closely work with her office as she is passionate about advocating for gender related matters and uplifting the living standards of the county residents.
"I will stand with you as Red Cross and UNFPA and as the office of the first lady, we'll try to ensure that our women and girls have been empowerment to support their families. With the initiatives of training women on tailoring, hair and beauty through my office, I'm sure what we've done will impact the generations to come." Said the First Lady.

County Executive Committee member for Education and Technical Training, Rebecca Kide who was in attendance echoed the First Lady's sentiments and appreciated the partners in all the projects and encouraged them to continue to work collaboratively with the County Government of West Pokot and especially, Office Of The First Lady - West Pokot County
In attendance were John Wafula and Satzuki of UNFPA, Scholastica Kapello of Red Cross Society-West Pokot County, officials from Department of Tourism, Culture, Sports, Gender and Social services among other representatives.