Governor Kachapin Leads Presentation of Comprehensive School Health Policy to County Cabinet

The County School Health Policy was officially presented to the Cabinet today under the leadership of H.E. Governor Simon Kachapin. This landmark policy, developed with the support of UNICEF, represents a significant step forward in the county's commitment to improving the health and well-being of students.

The policy's creation was the result of a highly consultative process, with invaluable guidance and support from the national government, particularly the Ministry of Health. Initial workshops and validation meetings, facilitated by UNICEF KCO through the Lodwar zone, along with contributions from GVRC, DSW, and ACF, were instrumental in shaping this policy.

The primary goals of the policy include:

1) Establishing a comprehensive strategy for implementing School Health Policies in schools from 2024 to 2028.
2) Serving as a guide for the coordination and execution of the School Health Policy across educational institutions.
3) Ensuring that the interventions under the School Health Policy are multi-sectoral and inclusive at all levels.

The ratification of this policy underscores the county's dedication to fostering a healthier and safer learning environment for all students.