County First Lady Calls for Support in Eradicating GBV including FGM
"Many individuals have been affected physically, socially and psychologically by GBV including FGM and we need to strongly advocate against it in our society. It's only when we realize and acknowledge that GBV including FGM is a practice that is meant to alienate individuals; that only derails development and interferes with how God created us. Personally, I've decided to be in the forefront to advocate against GBV and FGM included as I've witnessed how it negatively impacts individuals trickling down to the community," stated H.E Scovia Chebet Kachapin

As a member of Anti-FGM steering committee, the county First Lady H.E Scovia Kachapin attended the West Pokot Anti-FGM Steering Committee capacity building training and meeting at Horizon Hotel.
Under the Prevention and Response to GBV including FGM of UNFPA and implemented by Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development, the county Anti-FGM Steering Committee will be taken through a capacity building training to equip them with skills and knowledge to develop, implement and review laws, policies, plans and commitments on prevention of harmful practices (FGM), provide adequate advocacy skill and knowledge to effectively influence public opinions against FGM and map out local strategies for effective advocacy and engagement with duty bearers on eradicating FGM.

The Anti-FGM steering Committee encompasses individuals from various institutions including National government, County Government of West Pokot and organizations in the county that advocate against GBV including FGM.